Grand Prairie Daily News from Grand Prairie, Texas (2024)

GRAND PRAIRIE DAILY NEWS Sundoy, September 27, 1970 Coupie set wedding date Mr. and Mrs. John W. Newnam of Dallas announce the approaching marriage of their daughter, I'enelope, of Washington, D.C., to Norman Henry Richards of Arlington, Va. Miss Newnam is the niece of Mrs.

Jacqueline Sawicki, 513 Lovell Lane. The couple will be wed Nov. 28 at the Oak Cliff I'resbyteri- an Church in Dallas. A graduate of Sunset High School, Dallas, Miss Newnam received her M.A. degree from Stephen F.

Austin State University in Nacogdoches where she was named to Who's Who Welcome new residents on school grounds American Field Service officials, Miss Gail Hadley and Mrs. Christie Barber, both of New York, were at Grand Prairie High School Thursday night for a picnic with AFS students from all over the world who are living in area homes. Pjotured with them are Hobbs Williams, GPHS principal and AFS vice president and Mrs. Ken Thorpe, president. Daily News Photo Astrological Forecast FORECAST FOR Sunday, September J7, IfTI By SYDNEY OMARR DR.

RICHARD HEAD, elec- trbnlcs researcher in the Uunta- vlfle, Alabama, headquarters of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, utilizes planetary positions to forecast magnetic storms. In he follows the footsteps of John Henry Nelson, who also njafces use of this astrological technique for RCA. ARIES (March 21-April 19): EJoft't sacrifice health for something that merely glitters. Mafttain steady routine. You ciitjjjBCcomplish much and also fun.

The key, of course, is nJoJeration. Message will be cteir. (TAURUS (April 20): Accent on how you relate to yjjung persons. Be creative. Make some concessions.

New outlook is desirable. You re- some meaningful compliments. Be ready for dramatic changes. tiEMINl (May 21-June 20): Spotlight on home base. Try to understand dilemma faced by family member.

If mature, you can help find solution. Start building for greater security. Evaluate ultimate goal. XANCER (June 21-July 22): Sjjort journey may be on agenda. Involves close relative.

making statements vjfcich call for ultimate retrac- trins. Some may display their £LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): details connected with money, personal possessions. Remember letters that must written and mailed. You now by being able to communicate.

$IRGO (Aug. 2J-Sept. 22): Cjfcfe high; circ*mstances turn- in your favor. You can make valuable contacts. Permit creative juices to flow.

Exude confidence. Many will look to you for leadership. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Wjork behind the scenes.

You will receive credit where due. But, for time being, concentrate on quiet, steady progress. Remember one who is confined hospital. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov.

21): Ypu get almost anything you request know this and limit yourself. Asking for too much could create a dilemma. One you trust is sweet and sincere but does not have the facts. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec.

21): You are tested. Your potential can be realized. Takes concentration and dedication no, halfway measures. Be with one who has worked hard and deserves a treat. CAPRICORN (Dec.

22-Jan. 19): Good lunar aspect coincides with love, creative en- significant changes. Finish project. Expand influ- enpe. Refuse to be restricted.

Avoid individual who is narrow. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 Feb. Some investment possibilities are discussed Applies on various levels. If married, mate makes known desire for acquisition.

If single, one close to you wants to end that state. M'SCES (Feb. 18-March 20): low. Do more listening talking. Accent on marriage, partnership, how you relate to public.

Your opinions arej more forceful if expressed in tow key. IF TODAY is your birthday- yoiirecentlyemergedfrommaze of turmoil. Now you have chance to break tie which is finding in negative way. That is, clear way for new contacts, opportunities. Happiness bedkons; respond to the call.

(Copyright 1970. (Jen. Fea. Corp. FORECAST FOR Monday, September 28,1170 By SYDNEY OMARR IN INI, THE American Institute of Medical Climatology issued a report stating that electrical charges in the atmosphere affect the manner in which people think, feel and react.

I feel that planetary positions, in relationship to each other, have much to do with those "electrical charges." ARIES (March 21-April 19): New outlook helps to improve relations with associates, coworkers. Your job can be exciting if you explore creative angles. Strive for a more original approach. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Some around you are moody, desiring change and excitement. Key is to be helpful, without getting caught up in whirlpool of confusion: Hunch could provide remarkable lead.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Check safety measures at home. Electrical wiring should be secured. Avoid taking unnecessary chances. Friend may be in mood for verbal fireworks. Maintain sense of humor.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Hold off on journey, if possible. Direction, instruction could be confusing. Take care not to lose valuables in transit. Some past concepts could be erased. Be flexible.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Plenty of activity. Key is to organize finances. You can have fun without being extravagant. Promise made to relative should be taking persons, situations for granted.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Direct action should be advocated. You may find that some other than yourself is controlling purse strings. Wise to bring this into open.

Find out where you stand with your money. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Mate or partner can aid you in finding lost article. Key is discovery.

Puzzle pieces are put together. You see a pattern emerging. You become more positive of direction. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov.

21): Be realistic. See people the way they actually exist. You cannot delegate too many duties. Aggressive friend could upset apple cart means realize some do not grasp situation. SAGITTARIUS (Nov.

22-Dec. 21): Creative moves impress superiors. Show what you can do. Have confidence in your abilities. Complete project by broadening horizon.

Perceive trends, cycles. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Family member may reveal plans regarding travel. Your attitude should be one of live and let live.

Don't attempt to dominate. Much gain indicated if you loosen reins. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 Feb. 18): Money should be put aside for emergencies.

Debts, payments and special requests seem to be on agenda. Be positive of legal procedures. Check with expert. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): You can finalize transaction if versatile.

Don't feel tied to tradition. Create your own methods, style. Your sensitivity becomes evident. You will know what must be done. IF TODAY is your birthday your are creative, never satisfied with pat answers.

You want reasons and are willing to probe, investigate. You are completing a major cycle. You will be meeting people and life will brim with exciting opportunities. (Copyright 1970, Gen. Corp.) Fish show opens The Fort Worth Acquarium Society has announced an annual fish show beginning Tuesday through Oct.

4 in the rotunda of the Museum of Science and History, Fort Worth. New residents of Grand Prairie include the families of Luke Armstrong from Fort Worth, Mrs. James B. Bodkin from Wichita Falls, James R. Butts from Oklahoma City, David Campbell from Bridgeport, and Hugh Carney from Dallas.

Also Robert Carpenter from Duncanville, Robert Gore from Pleasant Grove, Erma Gres- trex from Irving, Don Haslett from Okmulgee, Elvin W. Lewson from Irving, Chester Lee McKenzie from Irving, Jesse McMillan from Dallas and Edward J. Moore from Bedford. Others include John H. Moore from Santa Fe, N.

Mrs. William L. Nichols from Dallas, Arthur P. Parnell from Dallas, Ray V. Rawson from Fort Worth, Joseph Rodriquez from Dallas and Richard Schmidt from Arlington.

Also Delbert E. Smith from Seattle, J. R. Starnes from Dallas, Ollie J. Stover from DeQueen, Jessie G.

Taylor from Dallas, Lester W. Thorne from Dallas and Bennie Yeager from Arlington. So Sammie's Beauty Salon Fashion Styling in a Friendly Atmosphere Open Monday thru Saturday AN2-6418 Dianne Welch Joy Harpole Scharrie McCoy 115N.W.22ndSt. 1 blk. N.

from Hiway 80 Starting to think about Christmas Mrs. G. G. Haley, right, program chairman and hostess for the Thursday meeting of the Inglewood Garden Club, looks over craft items with Mrs. Bennie Wyatt who gave the program.

Daily News Photo. Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. She served as press relations secretary for Congressman Jim Collins in and is presently employed as research assistant for the National Republican Congressional Committee in Washington. Mr. Richards, the son of Mr.

Mrs. Raymond J. Richards Sr, of Bethesda, is a graduate of Mount Saint Mary's College, Emmitsburg, Md. Me is employed as auditor for the Department of Health, Education and Welfare in Washington. November wedding revealed Mr.

and Mrs. A. D. Moresi, 614 Phillips Court, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Khris, to Michael Francis, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Joe Francis of Dallas. The couple plan a November wedding. Miss Moresi is a 1968 graduate of Grand Prairie High School. A graduate of Kimball High School, Dallas, Mr. Francis is employed by Enterprises in Dallas.

Couple observe anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey F. Vickers, 830 Yorkshire, celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary Sept. 24.

They will entertain members of their family in their home today in celebration of the event. Course set A new course, Effective Communication In Human Relations, will begin Wednesday at the Downtown YWCA and will meet from 7 to 9 p.m. for eight consecutive Wednesdays. The course is for both men and women and will be taught by Harold Purdy, who holds a bachelor of arts degree and a master's degree in education. He has designed the course to help improve the self-image and to avoid communication breakdowns.

PAUL OWENS AREA REPRESENTATIVE TO BEGIN SOON IN GRAND PRAIRIE The World Famous DALE CARNEGIE DALE CARNEGIE COURSE Some of the many ways the Dale Carnegie Course helps men and women Develop Greater Poise and Self Confidence. Communicate More Effectively. Be At Ease in Any Situation Discover and Develop Your Potential Abilities. Be At Your Best With Any Group Remember Names Be a Better Conversationalist. Control Tension and Anxiety Acquire a Better Understanding of Human Relations.

Get More Fun Out of Life. Increase Your Income Potential. This will be the last time this course will be offered in Grand Prairie in 1970 and since the class is limited in number, interested persons should phone this newspaper for additional 262-5141. GRAND PRAIRIE GRADUATING CLASS NO. 1136 Sponsored in Grand Prairie by THE GRAND PRAIRIE DAILY NEWS PRISINTID IT JOI NICHOLSON ASSOCIATf MISS KHRIS MORESI CAD Calendar of Events MONDAY 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Parliamentary Procedure, Flame Room, Lone Star Gas Bring sack lunch 6:45 p.m., Evening Optimist Club, Alamo Restaurant 7:30 p.m., Rho Psi Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi, Grand Prairie State Bank 7:30 p.m., Grand Prairie Rebekah Lodge 63,302 NW 16th St.

7:45 p.m., Grand Prairie Music Club, Duncan-Perry Road TUESDAY 9:30 a.m., PTA Beautification chairmen, Trimble Room, Grand Prairie Memorial Library Noon, Optimist Club, Alamo Restaurant 6:30 p.m., Civil Air Patrol, Hensley Field 7 p.m., Thomas B. Hunter Masonic Lodge, 933 SW 2nd St. 7 p.m., Sam R. Hamilton Masonic Lodge, HOVfe Center St. WEDNESDAY 10 a.m., PTA Secretaries' workshop, Trimble Room of Memorial Library p.m., Golden Age Club, Community Center 8 p.m., Grand Prairie Alcoholics Anonymous, St.

John's Lutheran Church, 509 NE 4th St. THURSDAY 9:30 a.m., Newcomers Daytime Bridge Noon, Lions Club, 218 S. Center St. 7 p.m., Toastmaster's Club, Globe Restaurant 7p.m., Thomas B. Hunter Masonic Lodge, 933 SW 2nd St.

7:30 p.m., Lambda Chi Chapter Epsilon Sigma Alpha, 2221 Vega 7:30 p.m., Young Democrats, Cottonwood Recreation Building 7:30 p.m., Belles of Justice 7:30 p.m., Boy Scout District Key 3, 306 NW 2nd St. 8 p.m., Navy Wives Club 213, Navy Wives Clubroom, Naval Air Station FRIDAY 10 a.m., Genealogical Society, Trimble Room of Memorial Library Noon, Rotary Club, Harper House of Ramada Inn 1:30 p.m., Rejebian Book Review, Women's Building SATURDAY 9:30 a.m., Retarded Children's Recreation Program, Crockett Recreation Center 9:30 a.m., Grand Prairie Federation of Women's Clubs, Women's Building 10 a.m., Civil Air Patrol, Hensley Field 2 p.m., Texas Bluebonnet Chapter of DAR, Trimble Room of Memorial Library 8 p.m., Tanglefoot Square and Round Dance Club, Community Center 8:30 p.m., American Legion Dance, 218 S. Center St. See us for prompt and courteous service in tilling your prescriptions. Centrally Located Downtown Siitci' 1927 Federation meets Saturday Mayor Joe Colwell will speak on the prospects for Ihe future of the city at a Saturday meeting of the Grand Prairie Federation of Women's Clubs.

The 10 a.m. meeting will be held at the Women's Building. At 9:30 a.m., the girls of the month will be introduced. ITA hears Angle "How Much Has our School Complied with the State Laws on Special Education" was the topic of a round table discussion Tuesday at the Exceptional Child Parent-Teachers Association meeting. The discussion was led by George Angle at the school administration building.

HUDSON ftiir.

Grand Prairie Daily News from Grand Prairie, Texas (2024)


What is the newspaper in Grand Prairie Texas? ›

The Grand Prairie Herald - Home.

What is Grand Prairie, Texas famous for? ›

Site of One of Largest Industrial Districts

Because of its central location and proximity to air and highway transportation infrastructure, Grand Prairie also is a well-established distribution center. Much of the Great Southwest Industrial District's approximately 80-million square feet lies in Grand Prairie.

Is Grand Prairie TX a good place to live? ›

In conclusion, Grand Prairie, Texas, is a great place to live, work, and play. With its proximity to major cities, affordable cost of living, thriving economy, diverse population, and excellent quality of life, it's no wonder that more and more people are choosing to call this dynamic city home.

Why do people move to Grand Prairie? ›

With its low cost of living, bustling job market, and plenty of things to do, it's no wonder why so many people have an eye on Grande Prairie. If you're not sure you're ready to make the move, let's take a closer look at all that Grande Prairie has to offer.

Does Plano TX have a newspaper? ›

Plano Star Courier e-Edition

Receive our newspaper electronically with the e-Edition email.

Does Frisco Texas have a newspaper? ›

Now, Community Impact Newspaper distributes hyperlocal news and information to millions of local residents and business owners each day online and monthly by mail. The Frisco edition is directly mailed via USPS to 100% of residential mailboxes in the city.

What is the nickname for Grand Prairie Texas? ›

Grand Prairie is part of a bigger region known as the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex made up of Dallas and Fort Worth and their suburbs or cities outside of them. Nickname: "G.P."

Is Grand Prairie cheap to live? ›

Grand Prairie's housing expenses are 9% lower than the national average and the utility prices are 14% higher than the national average. Transportation expenses like bus fares and gas prices are 14% lower than the national average. Grand Prairie has grocery prices that are 5% lower than the national average.

What are 2 interesting facts about Grande Prairie? ›

Beyond its own population, Grande Prairie acts as a regional hub serving an additional 281,000+ people from across Northern Alberta, Northern British Columbia and the Northwest Territories. It sits as the largest commercial centre north of Edmonton.

Is it expensive to live in Grande Prairie? ›

Average Cost of Living per Month in Grande Prairie

The average cost of living in Grande Prairie is $3,680/month for a single person who rents. This average is based on many factors including the cost of housing, transportation, groceries, and entertainment.

What is the average household income in Grand Prairie? ›

In 2022, Grand Prairie, TX had a population of 197k people with a median age of 33.7 and a median household income of $76,626. Between 2021 and 2022 the population of Grand Prairie, TX grew from 195,992 to 197,279, a 0.657% increase and its median household income grew from $73,352 to $76,626, a 4.46% increase.

What is the average age in Grande Prairie? ›

Grande Prairie is the youngest city in Canada with a median age of 31.9 and one of the fastest growing communities in North America. The 2018 municipal census recorded 69,088 residents up 37.6% from 2007.

How many homeless people are in Grande Prairie? ›

Results from the City of Grande Prairie 2022 Point in Time (PiT) Count on Homelessness observed at least 328 individuals experiencing homelessness in the community.

What is the main industry in the Grand Prairie? ›

Grande Prairie's young, educated population, offers a valuable and highly skilled workforce to the major economic sectors in the region, which include agriculture, forestry, oil and gas, retail services and tourism.

Is it safe to live in Grande Prairie? ›

Grande Prairie has been ranked as number nine out of 237 in Maclean's magazine's list of Canada's 20 most dangerous places 2020.

What is the newspaper in Johnson County Texas? › Johnson County's only daily newspaper.

What is the major newspaper in Dallas? ›

The Dallas Morning News is a daily newspaper serving the Dallas–Fort Worth area of Texas, with an average print circulation in 2022 of 65,369.

What is the name of the newspaper in Waco Texas? ›

Waco Tribune-Herald (Waco, Tex.)

What is the name of the newspaper in Arlington Texas? ›

The first newspaper published in Arlington, The Arlington Journal documents the city of Arlington, its people, and its institutions, including editorial comment and news reports that illustrate the city and its residents.

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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.