Bladder Channel, Bladder points, Indications (2024)

Bladder Channel, Bladder points, Indications (1)Bladder Channel, Bladder points, Indications (2)Bladder Channel

Bl 1 Jingming**
FUNCTIONS: Dispel Wind, eliminate Heat, clears Jingluo, brightens eyes.
1. Redness, swelling and pain of the eye.[1] Lacrimation when attacked by wind.[1] Itching of the canthus.[1] Night blindness.[1,2] Colour blindness.[1,2] Acute and chronic conjunctivitis.[2] Myopia.[2] Hypermetropia.[2] Astigmatism.[2] Atrophy of the optic nerve.[2] Optic neuritis.[2] Inflammation of the ora serrata.[2] Glaucoma.[2]
Early stages of cataract.[2] Keratoleukoma.[2] Pterygium.[2]
LOCATION: 0.1 cun superior to the inner canthus. Ask the patent to close the eyes when locating the point.[1]
METHOD: Perpendicular 8 mm along the orbital wall. If is not advisable to twist or lift and thrust the needle vigorously.[1]

Bl 2 Zanzhu**
FUNCTIONS: Dispel Wind, brightens eyes, soothe the Liver. To stop pain and invigorate the channels.
1. Blurring and failing of vision.[1] Lacrimation in face of wind.[1] Redness, swelling and pain of the eye.[1] Twitching of eyelids.[1,2] Myopia.[2] Acute conjunctivitis.[2] Keratoleukoma.[2] Excessive lacrimation.[2]
2. Headache.[1,2] Pain in the supra orbital region.[1] Facial paralysis.[2]
LOCATION: On the medial extremity of the eyebrow, or on the supraorbital notch. [1]
METHOD: 8-13 mm horizontally along the skin with the needle directed upward.[1]

Bl 3 Meichong*
1. Vertigo.[1,2] Epilepsy.[1,2]
2. Headache.[1,2]
3. Occluded nose.[2]
LOCATION: Directly above the medial extremity of the eyebrow, .5 cun within the
anterior hairline, between Shenting Du 24 and Quchai UB 4.[1]
METHOD: Puncture 8-13 mm horizontally along the skin with the needle directed upward.[1]

Bl 4 Quchai*
1. Nasal obstruction.[1,2] Epistaxis.[1,2]
2. Blurring of vision.[1] Opthalmalgia.[1] Eye diseases.[2]
3. Frontal headache.[1] Headache.[2]
LOCATION: 1.5 cun lateral to Shenting Du 24, at the junction of the medial third and lateral two thirds of the distance from Shenting- Du 24 to Touwei- St 8.[1]
METHOD Puncture 8-13 mm horizontally along the skin with the needle directed upward.[1]

Bl 5 Wuchu*
1. Headache.[1,2]
2. Epilepsy.[1,2] Vertigo.[2] Blurring of vision.[1]
3. Rhinitis.[2]
LOCATION: Directly above Quchai- UB 4, 1 cun inside the anterior hairline.[1]
METHOD: Puncture 8-13 mm horizontally along the skin.[1]

Bl 6 Chengguang*
1. Headache.[1,2]
2. Vertigo.[2] Blurring of vision[1] Pannus.[2]
3. Nasal obstruction.[1] Common cold.[2] Rhinitis.[2]
LOCATION: 1.5 cun posterior to Wuchu UB 5, 1.5 cun lateral to the Du Channel.[1]
METHOD: Puncture 8-13 mm horizontally along the skin.[1]

Bl 7 Tongtian**
FUNCTIONS: Much used for migraine.[2] Eliminates Wind from upper part of body.[2]
1. Headache.[1,2] Dizziness.[1]
2. Nasal obstruction.[1] Epistaxis.[1] Rhinorrhea.[1,2]
LOCATION: 1.5 cun posterior to Chengguang- UB 6, 1.5 cun lateral to the Du Channel.[1]
METHOD: 8-13 mm horizontally along the skin.[1]

Bl 8 Luoque*
1. Dizziness.[1] Mental confusion.[1] Vertigo.[2]
2. Tinnitus.[1] Rhinitis.[2]
3. Vomiting.[2]
4. Facial paralysis.[2]
5. Goiter.[2]
LOCATION: 1.5 cun posterior to Tongtian UB 7, 1.5 cun lateral to the Du Channel.[1]
METHOD Puncture 8-13 mm horizontally along the skin.[1]

Bl 9 Yuzhen*
1. Headache.[1,2]
2. Vertigo.[2]
3. Opthalmalgia.[1] Myopia.[2]
4. Nasal obstruction.[1]
LOCATION: 1.3 cun lateral to Naohu- Du 17, on the lateral side of the superior border of the external occipital protuberance.[1]
METHOD: Puncture 8-13 mm horizontally along the skin with the needle directed downward.[1]

Bl 10 Tianzhu**
FUNCTIONS: Dispel Wind and invigorate channels. Brightens the eyes. Also used for lower backache.
1. Headache.[1] Neck rigidity.[1] Pain in the shoulder and back.[1] Occipital headache.[2] Stiffness and soreness in the back of the neck.[2]
2. Nasal obstruction.[1] Pharyngitis.[2]
3. Neurasthenia.[2] Hysteria.[2]
LOCATION: 1.3 cun lateral to Yamen- Du 15, within the posterior hairline, on the lateral side of the trapezius muscle.[1]
METHOD: Perpendicular 13 mm.[1]

Bl 11 Dashu** Bladder Channel, Bladder points, Indications (3)
FUNCTIONS: Generalised arthritis with deformity. To treat Wandering Bi.
1. Headache.[1] Aching of the scapular region.[1] Stiffness and rigidity of the neck.[1] Neck and back pain.[2] Arthritis.[2] Numbness in the limbs.[2]
2. Cough.[1] Common cold.[2] Bronchitis.[2] Pneumonia.[1,2] Pleurisy.[2]
3. Fever.[1] Tuberculosis of the bones.[2]
LOCATION: 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 1st thoracic vertebra, about 2 finger breadths from the Du Channel.[1]
METHOD: Obliquely 13 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 12 Fengmen**
FUNCTIONS: Strengthen the dispersing function of the Lung, regulate circulation of Qi, eliminate Wind, relieve exterior symptoms.
1. Common cold.[1,2] Cough.[1] Bronchitis.[2] Pneumonia.[2] Pleurisy.[2] Asthma.[2]
2. Headache.[1] Neck rigidity.[1] Backache.[1] Shoulder sprain.[2]
3. Urticaria.[2]
4. Fever.[1]
LOCATION: 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 2nd thoracic vertebra.[1]
METHOD: Obliquely 13 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 13 Feishu**
FUNCTIONS: Readjust circulation of Lung Qi, eliminate Wind, dispel Heat from Lung. Activates the dispersing function of Lung.
1. Cough.[1,2] Asthma.[1,2] Hemoptysis.[1] Bronchitis.[2] Pneumonia.[2] Pulmonary tuberculosis.[2] Pleurisy.[2]
2. Night sweating.[1,2] Spontaneous sweating.[2]
3. Afternoon fever.[1]
LOCATION: 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 3rd thoracic vertebra.[1]
METHOD: Obliquely 13 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 14 Jueyinshu**
1. Pericardium and Heart problems.[2] Rheumatic heart disease.[2]
2. Intercostal neuralgia.[2]
3. Neurasthenia.[2]
LOCATION: 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 4th thoracic vertebra.[1]
METHOD: Obliquely 13 mm.[1]

Bl 15 Xinshu**
FUNCTIONS: Calm the Heart and Spirit, invigorate circulation of Qi and Xue.
1. Seizures.[1,2] Panic.[1]. Palpitation.[1]. Forgetfulness.[1]. Irritability.[1]. Psychosis.[2] Hysteria.[2] Neurasthenia.[2]
2. Rheumatic heart disease.[2] Atrial fibrillation.[2] Tachycardia.[2]
3. Cough.[1]. Hemoptysis.[1].
3. Intercostal neuralgia.[2]Epilepsy.[1].
LOCATION: 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 5th thoracic vertebra.[1]
METHOD: Obliquely 13 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1].

Bl 16 Dushu**
1. Abdominal pain.[1,2] Intestinal noises.[2]
2. Cardiac pain.[1]. Endocarditis.[2] Pericarditis.[2]
3. Alopecia.[2] Pruritis.[2] Psoriasis.[2]
4. Mastitis.[2]
5. Hiccups.[2]
LOCATION: 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 6th thoracic vertebra.[1].
METHOD: Obliquely 13 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 17 Geshu**
FUNCTIONS: Invigorate Xue circulation, transforms congealed Xue, clear fullness from chest and diaphragm, pacify Stomach Qi, tonify weakness of the whole body.
1. Vomiting.[1]. Difficulty in swallowing.[1]. Nervous vomiting.[2] Stomach cancer.[2] Constriction of the esophagus.[2] Hiccup.[1,2]
2. Night sweating.[1]. Urticaria.[2]
3. Asthma.[1]. Cough.[1]. Hemoptysis.[1].
4. Afternoon fever.[1]. Anemia.[2] Chronic hemorrhagic disorders.[2] Tuberculosis of the lymph glands.[2]
LOCATION: 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 7th thoracic vertebra.[1].
METHOD: Obliquely 13 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 18 Ganshu**
FUNCTIONS: Soothe the Liver and Gall Bladder, eliminate Damp-Heat, remove stagnation of Qi, brighten the eyes.
1. Jaundice.[1]. Redness of the eye.[1]. Blurring of vision.[1]. Night blindness.[1]. Chronic and acute hepatitis.[2] Cholecystitis.[2] Eye diseases.[2]
2. Pain in the hypochondriac region.[1]. Hematemesis.[1]. Stomach diseases.[2]
3. Mental confusion.[1]. Seizures.Epilepsy.[1].
4. Pain in the back.[1]. Intercostal neuralgia.[2]
5. Irregular menstruation.[2]
6. Epistaxis.[1].
7. Neurasthenia.[2]
LOCATION: 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 9th thoracic vertebra.[1].
METHOD: Obliquely 13 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 19 Danshu**
FUNCTIONS: Eliminate Heat from the Liver and Gall Bladder, pacify Stomach Qi, dispel fullness from the diaphragm.
1. Jaundice.[1]. Bitter taste in mouth.[1]. Hepatitis.[2] Cholecystitis.[2] Round worm in the bile duct.[2] Gastritis.[2] Abdominal distension.[2]
2. Pain in the chest and hypochondriac region.[1]. Soreness in chest and ribs.[2] Sciatica.[2]
3. Pulmonary tuberculosis.[1]. Tuberculosis of the lymph glands.[2]
4. Afternoon fever.[1].
LOCATION: 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 10th thoracic vertebra.[1].
METHOD: Obliquely 13 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 20 Pishu**
FUNCTIONS: Regulate Sp Qi, promote transformation and transportation function of Spleen, eliminate Damp- edema, pacify St, nourishes Xue. Harmonizes Ying Qi.
1. Indigestion.[1,2] Abdominal distension.[1]. Vomiting.[1]. Diarrhea.[1]. Dysentery.[1]. Gastritis.[2] Ulcers.[2] Prolapsed stomach.[2] Nervous vomiting.[2] Enteritis.[2] Enlargement of Spleen.[2]
2. Jaundice.[1]. Hepatitis.[2] Enlargement of liver.[2]
3. Edema.[1,2] Urticaria.[2]
3. Pain in the back.[1].
4. Prolapsed uterus.[2]
5. Anemia.[2] Chronic hemorrhagic diseases.[2]
LOCATION: 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 11th
thoracic vertebra.[1].
METHOD: Obliquely 13 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 21 Weishu**
FUNCTIONS: Regulates Stomach Qi, dispel Damp, remove obstruction and stagnation.
1. Pain in the hypochondriac and epigastric region.[1]. Abdominal distension.[1]. Nausea.[1]. Vomiting.[1]. Borborygmus.[1]. Indigestion.[1]. Stomache ache.[2] Gastritis.[2] Gastric distension.[2] Prolapsed stomach.[2] Ulcer.[2] Pancreatitis.[2] Enteritis.[2] Anorexia.[2]
2. Insomnia.[2]
3. Hepatitis.[2]
4. Pain along the spine.[2] Pain in the chest.[1].
LOCATION: 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 12th thoracic vertebra.[1].
METHOD: Obliquely 13 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 22 Sanjiaoshu**
FUNCTIONS: Regulate the passage of water. Mostly for water movement in lower jiao. Eliminates Dampness.
1. Abdominal distension.[1]. Borborygmus.[1]. Indigestion.[1]. Vomiting.[1]. Diarrhea.[1]. Dysentery.[1]. Gastritis.[2] Enteritis.[2] Ascites.[2]
2. Pain and stiffness of the lower back.[1]. Low back pain.[2]
3. Nephritis.[2] Urinary retention.[2] Enuresis.[2] Edema.[1].
4. Neurasthenia.[2]
LOCATION: 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 1st lumbar vertebra.[1].
METHOD: Perpendicular 25-38 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 23 Shenshu**
FUNCTIONS: Regulate Kidney Qi, eliminate Dampness, strengthens lumbar vertebrae, brighten the eyes and clear the ears.
1. Seminal emission.[1]. Impotence.[1,2] Enuresis.[1]. Irregular menstruation[1,2]. Leukorrhea.[1]. Nephritis.[2]
Nephroptosis.[2] Renal colic.[2] Spermatorrhea.[2] Edema.[1].
2. Weakness of the knees.[1]. Low back pain.[2] Injury to soft tissues of lower back.[2] Backache.[1].
3. Tinnitus.[1,2] Deafness.[1,2] Alopecia.[2]
3. Sequelae of infantile paralysis.[2]
4. Blurring of vision.[1].
5. Bronchial asthma.[2]
6. Anemia.[2]
LOCATION: 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 2nd
lumbar vertebra.[1]
METHOD: Perpendicular 3-38 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 24 Qihaishu**
FUNCTIONS: Regulates Qi and Xue. Usually used to strengthen back and knees.
1. Low back pain.[1]. Pain in the lumbar vertebra.[2] Functional uterine bleeding.[2]
2. Irregular menstruation.[2] Functional uterine bleeding.[2]
3. Hemorrhoids.[2]
LOCATION: 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 3rd
lumbar vertebra.[1].
METHOD: Perpendicular 25-38 mm.Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 25 Dachangshu**
FUNCTIONS: Promote the function of the Large Intestine and Stomach, invigorate Jingluo, benefits the lower back and knees. Much used for lower backache.
1. Abdominal pain and distention.[1]. Borborygmus.[1]. Diarrhea.[1]. Constipation.[1,2] Enteritis.[2] Dysentery.[2]
2. Low back pain.[1,2] Low back sprain.[2] Pain in sacroiliac joint.[2]
LOCATION: 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 4th lumbar vertebra, approximately at the level of the upper border of the iliac crest.[1].
METHOD: Perpendicular 25-38 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 26 Guanyuanshu**
FUNCTIONS: Regulates lower Jiao, strengthens lower back and knees, transforms Damp.
1. Low back pain.[1,2]
2. Abdominal distension.[1]. Diarrhea.[1]. Chronic enteritis.[2]
3. Cystitis.[2] Chronic peritonitis.[2]
4. Diabetes.[2] Anemia.[2]
LOCATION: 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 5th lumbar vertebra.[1].
METHOD: Perpendicular 18-25 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 27 Xiaochangshu**
FUNCTIONS: Opens and regulates the Small Intestine, eliminates dampness and cools Heat.
1. Lower abdominal pain and distention.[1]. Dysentery.[1]. Enteritis.[2] Constipation.[2]
2. Enuresis.[1,2] Seminal emission[1]. Hematuria.[1]. Spermatorrhea.[2] Peritonitis.[2]
3. Low back pain.[2] Pain in the sacroiliac and diseases of the sacroiliac joint.[2]
LOCATION: At the level of the 1st posterior sacral foramen, 1.5 cun lateral to the Du channel.[1]
METHOD: Perpendicular 13-25 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 28 Pangguangshu**
FUNCTIONS: Promote the function of the Bl, disperse Qi of the lower jiao, benefits the lower vertebrae.
1. Diarrhea.[1,2] Constipation.[1,2]
2. Retention of urine.[1]. Enuresis.[1]. Diseases of the urogenital system.[2]
3. Pain and stiffness of the lower back.[1]. Pain in the lumbosacral region.[2] Sciatica.[2]
4. Diabetes.[2]
LOCATION: At the level of the 2nd posterior sacral foramen, 1.5 cun lateral to the Du Channel, in the depression between the medial border of the posterior superior iliac spine and the sacrum.[1].
METHOD: Perpendicular 13-25 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 29 Zhonglushu*
FUNCTIONS: Mostly for backache and the lower jiao.
1. Pain and stiffness of lower back.[1]. Lumbosacral pain.[2] Sciatica.[2]
2. Dysentery.[1]. Hernia.[1]. Enteritis.[2]
LOCATION: At the level of the 3rd posterior sacral foramen, 1.5 cun lateral to the Du Channel.[1]
METHOD: Perpendicular18-25 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 30 Baihuanshu**
1. Pain in the lower back and hip joint.[1] Sciatica.[2] Pain in the lumbosacral region.[2]
2. Seminal emission.[1] Irregular menstruation.[1] Leukorrhea.[1] Endometritis.[2]
3. Hernia.[1] Anal diseases. [2]
4. Sequelae of infantile paralysis.[2]
LOCATION: At the level of the 4th posterior sacral foramen, 1.5 cun lateral to the Du Channel.[1]
METHOD: Perpendicular 18-25 mm.[1]

Bl 31 Shangliao**
FUNCTIONS Baliao - 8 Streams Regulates the lower Jiao, strengthens the lower back and legs.
1. Irregular menstruation.[1,2] Prolapse of uterus.[1] Leukorrhea.[1,2] Scanty urine.[1] Inducing labour.[2] Orchitis.[2]
2. Low back pain.[1] Diseases of the lumbosacral joint.[2] Sciatica.[2] Paralysis of leg.[2]
3. Constipation.[1]
4. Sequelae of infantile paralysis.[2]
5. Peritonitis.[2]
LOCATION: In the first posterior sacral foramen, about midway between the posterior superior iliac spine and the Du Channel.[1]
METHOD: Perpendicular 18-25 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 32 Ciliao**
FUNCTIONS: Regulate the lower jiao, tonify waist and knees, Invigorate Ki Qi, treat nocturnal emission and leucorrhoea. Remove Xue stasis from uterus.
1. Low back pain.[1] Muscular atrophy.[1] Motor impairment and Bi syndrome(rheumatic pain) of the lower extremities.[1] Diseases of the lumbosacral joint.[2] Sciatica.[2] Paralysis of the leg.[2]
2. Irregular menstruation.[1,2] Inducing labor.[2] Leukorrhea.[1] Orchitis.[2]
3. Hernia.[1] Peritonitis.[2]
4. Sequelae of infantile paralysis.[2]
LOCATION: In the 2nd posterior sacral foramen, about midway batween the lower border of the posterior superior iliac spine and the Du Channel.[1]
METHOD Perpendicular 18-25 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 33 Zhongliao*

1. Irregular menstruation.[1]Leukorrhea.[1]
2. Low back pain.[1] Dysuria.[1]
3. Constipation.[1]
LOCATION:In the 3rd posterior sacral foramen, between Zhonglushu UB29 and the Du Channel.[1]
METHOD: Puncture perpendicularly 18-25mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 34 Xialiao 8 Streams*

FUNCTIONS: Regulates the lower Jiao, strengthens the lower back and legs.
1. Lower abdominal pain.[1] Constipation.[1] Dysuria.[1]
2. Low back pain.[1]
LOCATION: In the 4th posterior sacral foramen, between Baihuanshu UB30 and the Du Channel.[1]
METHOD: Puncture perpendicularly 13-25mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 35 Huiyang*
1. Leukorrhea.[1,2] Impotence.[1,2]
2. Hemorrhoids.[1,2] Diarrhea.[1,2] Dysentery.[1] Hemafecia.[1]
3. Pain in lower back during menstruation.[2]
LOCATION: On either side of the tip of the coccyx, 0.5 cun lateral to the Du Channel.[1]
METHOD: Perpendicular 13-25 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 36 (Bl 50) Chengfu**
Bladder Channel, Bladder points, Indications (4)Bladder Channel, Bladder points, Indications (5)
1. Pain in the lumbar, sacral, gluteal and femoral regions.[1] Low back pain. [2] Sciatica. [2] Paralysis of lower extremity. [2]
2. Hemorrhoids.[1,2] Constipation.[2]
3. Retention of urine.[2]
LOCATION: In the middle of the transverse gluteal fold. Locate the point in prone
METHOD Perpendicular 18-38 mm inches. Moxibustion is applicable. [1]

Bl 37 Yinmen**

FUNCTIONS: Regulate circulation of Qi and Xue in Jingluo, for disorders of waist and lower limbs.
1. Pain in the lower back.[1,2] Pain in the thigh.[1] Herniated disc.[2] Sciatica.[2] Occipital headache.[2] Paralysis of leg.[2] Paralysis.[2]
LOCATION: 6 cun below Chengfu- UB 36, on the line joining Chengfu- UB 36 and Weizhong-UB 40.[1]
METHOD: Perpendicular 18-38 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 38 (Bl 52) f*cki*
1. Numbness of the gluteal and femoral region.[1] Contracture of the tendons in the popliteal fossa.[1] Paralysis along lateral aspect of lower extremities.[2]
2. Acute gastroenteritis.[2] Constipation.[2]
3. Cystitis.[2]
LOCATION: 1 cun above Weiyang UB 39, on the medial side of the tendon of biceps femoris muscle. The point is located with the knee slightly flexed.[1]
METHOD: Perp 13-25 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 39 (Bl 53) Weiyang **
FUNCTIONS: Adjust lower jiao transformation of water. Benefits Bl. Lower He point of Sanjiao.
1. Pain and stiffness of the lower back.[1,2] Cramp of the leg and foot.[1] Spasm of the gastrocnemius muscle.[2]
2 . Dysuria.[1]Nephritis.[2] Cystitis.[2] Chyluria - Presence of fat globules in the urine.[2]
3. Lower abdominal distension.[1]
LOCATION: Lateral to Weizhong UB 40, on the medial border of the tendon of biceps
femoris muscle.[1]
METHOD: Perp 13-25 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 40 (Bl 54) Weizhong**
FUNCTIONS: Relax tendons, clears Jingluo, strengthen lower back and knees, clear Heat from Xue. Dispels Summer-Heat (bled). Abdominal pain, vomiting diarrhoea. Acute lumbago.
1. Low back pain.[1,2] Motor impairment of the hip joint.[1] Contractrue of the tendons in the popliteal fossa.[1] Muscular atrophy.[1] Motor impairment and pain of the lower extremities.[1] Hemiplegia.[1] Sciatica.[2] Arthritis of the knee.[2] Paralysis of leg.[2] Spasm of the gastrocnemius muscle.[2]
2. Abdominal pain.[1] Vomiting and diarrhea.[1] Acute gastroenteritis.[2]
3. Heat exhaustion.[2]
LOCATION: Midpoint of the transverse crease of the popliteal fossa, between the
tendons of biceps femoris and semitendinosus. Locate the point in prone
position of with flexed knee.[1]
METHOD: Perpendicular 13-38 mm, or prick with three edged needle to cause bleeding.[1]

Bl 41 (Bl 36) Fufen*
1. Stiffness and pain of the shoulder, back, and neck.[1,2] Numbness of the elbow and arm.[1,2]
LOCATION: 3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 2nd thoracic verebra, about 4 finger breadths lateral to the midline of the vertebral column.[1]
METHOD: Puncture obliquely downward 8-13 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 42 (Bl 37) Pohu*
1. Pulmonary tuberculosis.[1,2] Cough.[1] Asthma.[1,2] Bronchitis.[2] Pleurisy.[2] Atelectasis.[2]
2. Neck rigidity.[1] Pain in the shoulders and back.[1]
LOCATION: 3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 3rd thoracic vertebra.[1]
METHOD Puncture obliquely downward 8-13 inch. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 43 (Bl 38) Gaohuangshu **
FUNCTIONS Regulates the Lu Qi and strengthens Xu conditions.
1. Pulmonary tuberculosis.[1,2] Cough.[1] Hemoptysis.[1] Bronchitis.[2] Pleurisy.[2] Asthma.[1]
2. Poor memory.[1] Neurasthenia.[2]
3. Night sweating.[1] General weakness caused by prolonged illness.[2]
4. Indigestion.[1]
5. Seminal emission.[1]
LOCATION: 3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 4th
thoracic vertebra.[1]
METHOD: Obliquely 8-13 mm towards the scapula. Frequent or prolonged moxibustion is desirable.[1]

Bl 44 (Bl 39) Shentang*
Asthma.[1,2] Cough.[1] Bronchitis.[2]
2. Pain and stiffness of the back.[1] Intercostal neuralgia.[2]
3. Heart disease.[2]
LOCATION: 3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 5th thoracic vertebra.[1]
METHOD: Puncture obliquely 13 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 45 (Bl 40) Yixi*
1. Pain in the shoulder and back.[1] Intercostal neuralgia.[2] Hiccoughs.[2]
2. Cough.[1] Asthma.[1,2]
3. Pericarditis.[2]
4. Malaria.[2]
LOCATION: 3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 6th thoracic vertebra.[1]
METHOD: Obliquely downward 13 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 46 (Bl 41) Geguan*
1. Difficulty in swallowing.[1] Vomiting.[1] Belching.[1] Spasms of the esophagus.[2] Gastric hemorrhage.[2]
2. Pain and stiffness of the back.[1] Intercostal neuralgia.[2]
LOCATION: 3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 7th thoracic vertebra, approximately at the level of the inferior angle of the scapula.[1]
METHOD: Puncture obliquely downward 13 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 47 (Bl 42) Hunmen*
1. Vomiting.[1] Diarrhea.[1] Stomach ache.[2]
2. Pain in the chest, back and hypochondriac region.[1]
3. Diseases of Liver and Gall Bladder.[2]
4. Pleurisy.[2]
5. Neurasthenia.[2]
LOCATION: 3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 9th thoracic vertebra.[1]
METHOD: Puncture obliquely downward 13 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 48 (Bl 43) Yanggang*
1. Borborygmus.[1] Abdominal pain.[1] Gastritis.[2] Diarrhea.[1]
2. Jaundice.[1] Hepatitis.[2] Choecystitis.[2]
LOCATION: 3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 10th thoracic vertebra.[1]
METHOD: Puncture obliquely downward 13 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 49 (Bl 44) Yishe *
1. Abdominal distension.[1] Borborygmus.[1] Diarrhea.[1] Vomiting.[1] Difficulty in swallowing.[1] Gastritis.[2]
2. Hepatitis.[2] Cholecystitis.[2]
LOCATION: 3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 11th thoracic vertebra.[1]
METHOD: Puncture obliquely downward 13 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 50 (Bl 45) Weicang *
1. Abdominal distension.[1] Pain in the epigastric region.[1] Stomache-ache.[2] Gastritis.[2] Abdominal pain.[2]
2. Pain in the back.[1,2]
LOCATION: 3 cun lateral to the lower border of the process of the 12th thoracic vertebra.[1]
METHOD: Puncture obliquely downward 13 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 51 (Bl 46) Huangmen *
1. Pain in the epigastric region.[1] Abdominal mass.[1] Constipation.[1] Pain in the upper abdomen.[2]
2. Low back pain.[2] Paralysis of lower limb.[2]
3. Mastitis.[2]
LOCATION: 3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 1st lumbar vertebra.[1]
METHOD: Perpendicular 13-25 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 52 (Bl47) Zhishi**
1. Seminal emission.[1] Impotence.[1,2] Dysuria.[1,2] Nephritis.[2] Spermatorrhea.[2] Prostatitis.[2]
2. Pain and stiffness of the lower back.[1,2] Paralysis of lower limb.[2]
3. Edema.[1,2] Eczema of the scrotum.[2]
LOCATION: 3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 2nd
lumbar vertebra.[1]
METHOD: Perpendicular 18-25 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 53- Baohuang (Bl 48)*
1. Borborygmus.[1,2] Abdominal distension.[1] Abdominal pain.[2]
2. Pain in the lower back.[1,2] Sciatica.[2]
3. Retention of urine.[2]
LOCATION: 3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 2nd sacral vertebra, level with Ciliao (UB 32).[1]
METHOD: Perpendicular 18-33 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 54 (Bl49) Zhibian **
FUNCTIONS: Invigorate the channels and remove clear Jingluo, treat lumbago and pain in lower extremities. Much used for pain in buttocks and sciatica.
1. Pain in the lumbosacral region.[1] Muscular atrophy.[1] Motor impairment and pain of the lower extremities.[1] Sciatica.[2] Strained muscles of the buttocks.[2] Paralysis of the lower limbs.[2]
2. Hemorrhoids.[1] Diseases of anus.[2]
3. Diseases of the reproductive organs.[2]
LOCATION: Directly below Baohuang (UB 53), 3 cun lateral to Du Channel, about 4
finger breadths lateral to the hiatus of the sacrum.[1]
METHOD: Perpendicular 25-38 mm. Moxibustion is applicable. [1]

Bl 55- Heyang*
1. Backache.[1] Aching, numbness and paralysis of the lower extremities.[1] Soreness from lower back to knee.[2]
2. Abnormal uterine bleeding.[2]
LOCATION: 2 cun directly below Weizhong (UB40), between the medial and lateral heads of the gastrocnemius, on the line joining Weizhong (UB40) and Chengshan (UB 57).[1]
METHOD: Perpendicular 18-25 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 56 Chengjin*
1. Pain in the leg.[1] Acute lower back pain.[1] Low back pain.[2] Headache.[2] Pain in calf.[2] Paralysis of lower limb.[2]
2. Hemorrhoids.[1,2]
LOCATION: Midway beteen Heyang (UB 55) and Chengshan (UB 57), in the centre of the
belly of the gastrocnemius.[1]
METHOD: Perpendicular 13-38 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 57 Chengshan**
FUNCTIONS Relax tendons, clears Jingluo, promote function of treat hemorrhoids. Regulates Qi in the Fu.
1. Low back pain.[1,2] Spasm of the gastrocnemius muscle.[1,2] Leg pain.[2] Sciatica.[2] Paralysis of leg.[2]
2. Hemorrhoids.[1] Constipation.[1] Prolapsed anus.[2]
LOCATION: Directly below the belly of the gastrocnemius muscle, on the line connecting Weizhong (UB 40) and tendo calcaneus, about 8 cun below Weizhong (UB 40).[1]
METHOD: Perpendicular 13-25 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 58 Feiyang **
FUNCTIONS: Used for sciatica when pain is on side of leg. Also hemorrhoids.
1. Headache.[1] Lumbago.[1] Weakness of the leg.[1] Rheumatiod arthritis.[2] Pain of the lower back and leg.[2]
2. Nasal obstruction.[1] Epistaxis.[1]
2. Seizures.[2]
3. Hemorrhoids.[2]
4. Blurring of vision.[1]
5. Cystitis.[2] Beriberi.[2]
LOCATION: 7 cun directly above Kunlun (UB 60), on the posterior border of fibula, about 1 cun inferior and lateral to Chengshan (UB 57).[1]
METHOD: Perpendicular 18-25 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 59 Fuyang* Bladder Channel, Bladder points, Indications (6)
1. Heavy feeling in the head.[1] Headache.[1,2] Low back pain.[1,2]
2. Redness and swelling of the external malleolus.[1] Paralysis of the lower extremities.[1] Paralysis of lower limb.[2] Inflammation of ankle joint.[2]
LOCATION: 3 cun directly above Kunlun UB 60.[1]
METHOD: Perpendicular 13-25 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 60 Kunlun**
FUNCTIONS: Eliminate Wind, clear Jingluo, relax tendons, strenghen lower back- Chronic lumbago.
1. Headache.[1,2] Neck rigidity.[1,2] Spasm and pain of the shoulder and arm.[1] Backache.[1] Pain in the heel.[1] Low back pain.[2] Sciatica.[2] Paralysis of lower limb.[2] Diseases of the ankle joint and surrounding soft tissues.[2]
2. Seizures in children.[1]
3. Blurring of vision.[1]
4. Difficult labour.[1]
5. Epistaxis.[1]
6. Goiter.[2]
LOCATION: In the depression between the external malleolus and tendocalcaneus.[1]
METHOD: Perpendicular 13 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Acupuncture is contraindicated during pregnancy.[1]

Bl 61 Pushen*
1. Muscular atrophy and weakness of the lower extremities.[1] Pain in the heel.[1] Low back pain.[2] Pain in the ankle and foot.[2] Paralysis of leg.[2]
2. Beriberi.[2]
LOCATION: Posterior and inferior to the external malleolus, directly below Kunlun (UB 60), in the depression of the calcaneum at the junction of the red and white skin.[1]
METHOD: Perpendicular 8-13 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 62 Shenmai**
FUNCTIONS: Clear the spirit, relax tendons/muscles, invigorate channels, clear Yang Qiao mai. Mental disorders, epilepsy (attack during daytime).
1. Headache.[1,2] Lower backache.[1,2] Aching/pain of the legs.[1,2] Meningitis.[2] Arthritis of the ankle.[2]
2. Seizures.[1,2] Mental confusion.[1] Dizziness.[1] Psychosis.[2]
3. Insomnia.[1] Meniere's disease.[2]
LOCATION: In the depression directly below the external malleolus.[1]
METHOD: Perpendicular 8 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 63 Jinmen*
1. Epilepsy.[1] Infantile convulsion.[1,2] Seizures.[2]
2. Lower Back pain.[1,2] Pain in the external malleolus.[1] Motor impairment of legs.[2] Pain of the lower extremities.[1] Pain of bottom of foot.[2] Pain in legs.[2]
LOCATION: Anterior and inferior to Shenmai (UB 62), in the depression lateral to the cuboid bone.[1]
METHOD: Perpendicular 13 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 64 Jinggu**
FUNCTIONS: Disperses Wind, calms the Spirit.
1. Headache.[1,2] Neck rigidity.[1] Pain in the lower back and legs.[1,2]
2. Seizures.[1,2] Meningitis.[2]
3. Myocarditis.[2]
4. Epilepsy.[1]
LOCATION: On the lateral side of the dorsum of foot, below the tuberosity of the 5th metatarsal bone, at the junction of the red and white skin.[1]
METHOD: Perpendicular 8-13 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 65 Shugu*
1. Headache.[1,2] Neck rigidity.[1,2] Back ache.[2] Pain in the posterior aspect of the lower extremities.[1]
2. Mental confusion.[1]Seizures.[2] Mental illness.[2]
3. Blurring of vision.[1]
4. Malaria.[2]
5. Pannus.[2]
LOCATION: On the lateral side of the dorsum of foot, posterior and inferior to the head of the 5th metatarsal bone, at the junction of the red and white skin.[1]
METHOD: Perpendicular 8 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 66 Foot Tonggu*
1. Headache.[1,2] Neck rigidity.[1]
2. Epistaxis.[1,2]
3. Vertigo.[2] Mental illness.[2] Blurring of vision.[1]
4. Asthma.[2]
LOCATION: In the depression anterior and inferior to the 5th metatarsophalangeal joint.[1]
METHOD: Perpendicular 5 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

Bl 67 Zhiyin**
FUNCTIONS: Clear the mind, brighten the eyes, change malposition of foetus, help delivery.
1. Difficult labour.[1,2] Malposition of fetus.[2]
2. Headache.[1,2]
3. Nasal obstruction.[1] Epistaxis.[1]
4 . Stroke.[2]
5 . Ophthalmalgia.[1]
6. Feverish sensation in sole.[1]
LOCATION: On the lateral side of the small toe, about .1 cun posterior to the corner of the nail.[1]
METHOD: Obliquely 3 mm. Moxibustion is applicable.[1]

[1] Essentials of Chinese Acupuncture Shanghai

[2] Acupuncture A comprehensive Text Beijing

Bladder Channel, Bladder points, Indications (2024)
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