5 Must-Apply Fully Funded Artist Residencies in 2024 | ArtConnect Magazine (2024)

Written By Pablo Kunert

Fully funded artist residencies offer incredible opportunities for artists to immerse themselves in a supportive and inspiring environment. Many artists face financial difficulties when pursuing opportunities, which is why finding residency programs that don't require payment can be a huge help.
We've put together a list of some fantastic programs that you can take advantage of without having to worry about the cost.

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Konst i Blekinge | Karlskronagatan, Sweden

AIR Blekinge offers artists place and resources for artistic development. Through travels you will explore the county with its towns, cities, nature and archipelago and meet with representatives from different organizations and institutions, to provide new contexts, starting points or conceptual directions.

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International Writers Workshop | Hong Kong

Established in 2004, the esteemed International Writers' Workshop (IWW) at Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) welcomes a diverse cohort of writers, hailing from over 55 countries, exceeding 130 participants to date.

In anticipation of celebrating IWW's momentous 20th anniversary in 2024, the program promises to culminate in the grand IWW Literary Festival, centering around the thought-provoking theme of "Origins & Futures." While applicants are encouraged to explore how their work aligns with this thematic tapestry, it is not a mandatory requirement.

The application deadline is set for 31st August 2023, so ensure you don't miss the chance to be a part of this transformative and intellectually stimulating experience at the International Writers' Workshop.

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5 Must-Apply Fully Funded Artist Residencies in 2024 | ArtConnect Magazine (2)

Thami Mnyele Foundation: | Amsterdam, Netherlands

Since its inception in 1990, the Thami Mnyele Foundation has been running a distinctive three-month artists-in-residence program in the heart of Amsterdam since 1992. At the core of the Foundation's mission is fostering cultural exchange between artists from Africa, the diaspora, the Netherlands, and particularly Amsterdam.

To realize this objective, the Foundation offers a remarkable opportunity for African artists practicing various disciplines of contemporary visual art, such as painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, video, film, audio, and multimedia. The selected artists are granted a three-month studio residency free of charge at the Thami Mnyele Foundation studio, nestled within a historic school building in the vibrant center of Amsterdam.

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Reflekt Residency | Berlin, Leipzig, Cologne (DE)

The REFLEKT residency program encourages artists, curators, and art practitioners to embark on a two-month journey in Germany, collaborating with hosting organizations and local communities. Here, they have the freedom to expand their research, develop concepts or prototypes, build projects, and create artworks that resonate with the essence of their art scene and the public.

Throughout the residency, artists and practitioners are encouraged to further nurture their work, ideally culminating in a presentation back in their city of origin, with the local Goethe-Institut as a host. For the inaugural edition, we offer five exclusive slots, providing an exceptional opportunity for creative minds to immerse themselves in Germany's vibrant art scene.

The preferred hosts for this edition include renowned cultural institutions such as SAVVY Contemporary in Berlin, TanzFaktur in Cologne, and Leipzig International Art Programme in Leipzig. Engage, create, and collaborate with the artistic fabric of Germany as you draw inspiration from diverse perspectives and embark on an enriching cultural journey.

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5 Must-Apply Fully Funded Artist Residencies in 2024 | ArtConnect Magazine (4)

Art Futures | Berlin, Leipzig, Cologne (DE)

Art Futures is an esteemed international non-profit organization that passionately advocates for the profound value of the arts, culture, and education. With an unwavering belief in the potential of creativity to shape more just and sustainable societies, the organization initiates and supports various activities that encourage wider participation and engagement in the arts, both across Europe and on a global scale.

At the heart of this artistic movement lies Dat Bolwerck, a multi-disciplinary art space renowned for its focus on contemporary art, music, and philosophy. Showcasing a thoughtfully curated program featuring (inter)national contemporary artists, captivating concerts, enlightening lectures, and inspiring workshops, Dat Bolwerck serves as a beacon of creativity and intellectual exploration.

Nestled within a magnificent sixteenth-century monument, Dat Bolwerck finds its historical sanctuary in the enchanting center of Zutphen, a captivating city located 115 km East of Amsterdam. With its unique blend of the past and present, this art space provides an inviting setting for artists and art enthusiasts alike to embark on a transformative journey of artistic discovery.

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5 Must-Apply Fully Funded Artist Residencies in 2024 | ArtConnect Magazine (5)

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5 Must-Apply Fully Funded Artist Residencies in 2024 | ArtConnect Magazine (2024)
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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.